Tuesday, September 22, 2015

58. "Хүмүүжилгүй боловсрол".

\дуусаагүй\ Нийтлэлч Алхан Болд. 58. "Хүмүүжилгүй боловсрол".
Монголчуудын асуудал, эмгэнэл нь монголчуудаа, үндэстнээ гэсэн үзэл-хүмүүжилгүйгээс болж байсан бөгөөд одоо  ч тийм байна.
Улсын Их Хуралд ямар хүмүүсийг дэвшүүлэх гэдэг дээр монголчууд маргадаг. Зарим нь залууг нь, нөгөө нь мэдлэгтэйг сонговол дээр гэнэ. Аль ч байж болно гэхдээ үндэстнээ гэх үзэлгүй бол бас л гай болно. Сонгуулийн хугацаанд үндэстний үзэлтэй мэт жүжиглэх ь Монголд урлаг болсон…

"....My lama had tender eyes and suffered a good deal on the ride. He called for the spectacles. I told him they were lost. Measuring me by himself he supposed that I was merely telling a lie to avoid lending them to him, and throughout the remainder of the time that we were together he lost few opportunities of complaining to people of the badness of the man he had with him, asserting that I had in my baggage a good pair of spectacles which I would not lend him though I was not using them myself. From the frequency and earnest- ness with which he repeated this tale, I have no doubt that he sincere^ believed it, and after a few remon- strances I gave him up and let him believe his own lie. By telling this story perhaps he secured the sympathy of the listeners...This change of guides was directly contrary to the expressed terms of the contract, in which it had been stipulated that the lama was himself personall}^ to escort me all the way to Kalgan. Though I had, for the sake of appearances, to grumble a little at this open violation of the bargain, I was secretly so exceedingly glad of the change that I could with difficulty conceal my satisfaction. "https://archive.org/details/amongmongols00gilm/page/68/mode/2up

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