***********1911.4-р сарын эхэнд: Тогтохо с семьей, Баяром и 46 бойцами с обозом и 200 лошадей и нескольких повозк под давлением китайских войск были вынуждены уйти в Россию. Бойцы Тогтохо получили 2000 десятин на поселение( в т.ч. Тогтохо -300, Баир -50). Баир и Тогтохо поссорились из-за добычи, что сделало бывших товарищей по оружию врагами. После неудачной для России войны с Японией, китайские власти активизировали своё противодействовие экспансии соперника.
****** 1-й Верхнеудинский полк Забайкальского казачьего войска в полном составе находился в Монголии. Командировка полка длилась с ноября 1912 года по июнь 1914 года.
Монголо-китайская борьба.
МУКДЕН. В силу распоряжения из Пекина, китайская карательная экспедиция в восточную Монголию считается законченной.
Газеты подводят итог экспедиции. Китайские войска имели 21 стычку с Монголами и потеряли 20 убитыми, 25 ранеными. Монголы потеряли 628 убитыми, 762 взятыми в плен. Мирных Монголов убито, по словам газет, 2 560 человек, из них около 400 женщин, 500 детей. Судя по рассказам прибывших из района действий карательной экспедиции, действительное число жертв китайских зверств следует считать тысячами.
В Хинганские горы бежало около 50 тысяч Монголов, лишившихся скота и всего имущества.
"Новое Время"
1912.11.05: "Dear Doctor Morrison,
When we arrived in Peking on August 9th, on my way from Urga to Shanghai, I called at your place and learned that you had already left for London...
Well the behaviour of the Amban was the cause of the Mongol rising against the government of China. The leaders were, The living Buddha, Ta-Lama, Nam-Serai-Gung, /now, Na-Wang/, Han-Ta-Wang, Da-Lay-Bess, Hay-Shun-Gung and several others, whose names I do not know. The noted robber and murderer Tock-Tan-Tai-Ching was also on the Living-God's side. He came into Urga soon after the Manchu Amban had left and behaved himself verywell. The mongols say that he did bad things against the Amban, just because the Amban was so hard on the mongols, they consider him as a patriote. Hay-Shun-Gung was the man who obliged this former robber-chief to keep straight. This robber has about 60 permanent followers. When the mongols sent troops over to Khobdo then some of Tock-Tan-Tai-Chin's men sent over with the soldiers, and were, I was told, more or less in charge of that expedition. Some of this robber chief's men weresent to the east, towards Tsi-tsi-khar. etc. He himself has been in Urga most of time. The Living God gave him a title signifying "not afraid of anybody". The men in the north Mongolia against this new rule, were Sain-Noying-Khan and Tsa-Tsek-Ta-Khan. Tsa-Tsek-Ta-Khan died about the first of June, many said he was poisoned by the God. About this time the mongols started collecting duty on all goods coming from China. The charge was five percent on Wine and Tobacco. No charge was made against our shipment, and no charge were made against imports by russians. As you know the russian troops helped the mongols to disarm the Hsuanhua-fu troops that were stationed in Urga. The russians also sent troops down from Kiakhta, these only stayed a couple of weeks and then returned. After-wards 100 cossacks came, which raised the garrison to about 300 in all. Mostly mounted troops. They also had a couple of mashine rifles and they gave instruction to mongols...
Yours sincerly T.A Rustad"
/1912.11.05. Хүндэт доктор Моррисон!
Өргөөгөөс Шанхай орох замдаа -нд 8.9-нд Бээжинд ирж таны ажил руу залгаад Лондон явчихсныг тань мэдлээ...Зартай дээрэмчин, алуурчин Тогтох ч бас Амьд Бурханы талд байгаа юм байна. Манж амбаны явсны дараахан тэр Өргөөд ирсэн бөгөөд намбатай байна гэнэ. Монголчуудад хатуу хандсан амбаныг эсэргүүцсэн түүнийг энд эх оронч гэж үзэж буй аж. Энэ дээрэмчныг удирдаад байгаа хүн бол Хайсан гүн. Дээрэмчинд 60 гаруй байнгын дагуул бий.
Монголчууд Ховд руу цэрэг илгээхэд Тогтохийнхноос цуг очсон бөгөөд тэд тодорхой хэмжээгээр ажиллагааг удирдсан гэлцэнэ. Тэр хүмүүсийнхээ заримыг зүүн тийш-Цицикар луу илгээгээд өөрөө гол төлөв Өргөөд байжээ.../
/The Correspondence of G. E. Morrison 1912-1920/
******"Новое Время".
19 октября/01 ноября/ 1913 год
Mongol-Chinese war. Mukden.
After a stubborn battle, Chinese troops occupied Chefynxiang. The Mongols lost 1 officer and 49 soldiers killed.
(Tokhtogo Naturally, the Russian government followed the developments across the border, and the Minister of War and other key political leaders sensed Tokhtogo’s potential role in the interimperial struggle for control. In the spring of 1909, the head of the Transamur Border Guards8 surmised that Tokhtogo might be useful for Russian espionage, nomadic partisan organisation and subversive political action in Hulunbeir against the Chinese government: Tokhtogo’s popularity among the Mongols and Solons […] determines the political significance of having him at our disposal. In case of any complications in the Far East Tokhtogo can be of special value to us and may be used as a means […] to extend our influence in the region north and south of the railroad from Manzhouli up to Zhalantun Station. (GAChO, Nachal’nik Zaamurskogo okruga otdel’nogo korpusa pogranichnoi strazhi 23.3.1909) As early as 1908, Russian authorities in Harbin, the administrative centre of Russian Manchuria, had proposed granting asylum in Transbaikalia to Tokhtogo and his supporters. After lengthy debates among the Ministries of War and of Foreign Affairs, and almost two years of secret negotiations with Tokhtogo, the partisan agreed, accepting the precondition that Russia would grant him asylum only if he crossed the border without any open help. In the later half of 1911, more than a year after Tokhtogo and his men had escaped to Russia, the state of affairs in China proper gave the Mongols a new opportunity to revolt. The Xinhai Revolution broke out under the banner of a rising Han nationalism. It meant, indeed, the end of Manchu rule, but viewed from China’s ethnic periphery it was also a unique opportunity for secession from the Heavenly Kingdom altogether.10 On the heels of the collapse of the Qing Dynasty, Outer Mongolia declared independence on 1 December 1911. The leading nobles declared Jebtsundamba Khutukhtu to be Holy Khan (Bogd Khan) of Mongolia. Bearing in mind the example of Inner Mongolia, Khalkhans knew exactly what Chinese colonial policy entailed: they had seen the Chinese Republic fall prey to the ‘New Policies’ and rally behind the Han colonisation sponsored by the late Qing government. By separating from China proper, they hoped to avoid their kinsmen’s fate in Inner Mongolia (Lan 1996: 78–95). 11 Following the example of Outer Mongolia, the indigenous elites of Hulunbeir declared the region independent in January 1912, and called for unification with the newly created Khalkha empire. In addition, in some banners in Inner Mongolia where Chinese oppression had become intolerable, people rebelled and sought independence. Urga supported their cause and launched a general military campaign. Tokhtogo, however, who in the meantime had left his Russian refuge and hastened to Urga to take charge of the Holy Khan Jebtsundamba Khutukhtu’s bodyguards, was not allowed to participate (LOC, Lattimore (undated): 8; Lan 1996: 234). Though revolt also broke out in Inner Mongolian bannerlands, these territories were already too closely interwoven with the Chinese provinces to furnish the secular or ecclesiastical leaders who would be able to unify the indigenous people for a common political cause. In the end, Chinese Republican forces succeeded in suppressing the secessionist tendencies in those banners.12 Through an extensive network of informants, the Russian authorities stayed well informed about major developments in this rebellion. The first general assembly of influential Hulunbeir tribal leaders was held in September 1911 – weeks before the Wuchang Uprising erupted on 10 October. The banner leaders protested against their disempowerment and requested the Chinese authorities to remove Chinese officials, to reintroduce autonomous regional administration, to pull out all Chinese troops, and to stop Han colonisation. During a second congress in November 1911, it was decided, in obedience to orders from Urga, to proceed with the formation of troops for the purpose of fomenting open rebellion. The first day of the revolt was scheduled for 2 (15) December 1911 (Baranov 1912: 55–6; Men’shikov 1917: 37–8; Woodhead 1914: 622; RGIA, Shtab 1912: 62-62 obl.; Meshcherskii 1920: 5–6). The Chinese authorities refused to accommodate the September demands of the Barguts.13 The Mongols distrusted Sun Yat-sen and other Chinese revolutionaries, and instead focussed their hopes on Russia. Rumours circulated among the Mongols, indicting Chinese revolutionaries for slaughtering Mongols, and suggesting that protection could be expected only from foreigners. Some Mongols in Hulunbeir even tried to adopt Russian citizenship. Corrupt Chinese authorities further fuelled anxieties among the local Mongol population. In Hailar, it was reported that the Head of Chinese administration had jailed many who were innocent of any crime, and that at night Chinese soldiers searched for Mongols to rob and beat. According to a secret Russian report, ‘arrests and prosecutions were carried out for the personal gain of the chief of prefecture, as he is willing to release arrested Hulunbeir Mongols for money’. More diplomatically, the Chinese administrator of Hulunbeir (daotai) 14 tried to win the sympathies of the Mongol senior officials with a banquet. He hoped that they could, in turn, influence the population (RGIA, Shtab 1911: quotation 48 obl.). The hopes of the Chinese administrator were in vain, however. The rebels had removed the Chinese sentry posts on the border to Russia, one by one, without significant opposition from the border guards. More and more armed banner men gathered in the vicinity of Hailar; by the Russian New Year, their numbers had swelled to more than 500. On 2 (15) January 1912, they encircled the Chinese administration and the barracks of the Chinese troops. The insurgents demanded the departure of all Chinese administrative officials and soldiers from the territory of Hulunbeir. On the night before the attack, the Chinese administrator and his administration had taken refuge in the Russian-controlled railroad concession. Chinese soldiers made their way to the Russian concession within the city and agreed to a proposal by the Russian consulate to surrender their weapons. Thus, in the morning, without a single shot being fired, Hailar came under control of the Mongols. Public order remained perfectly intact: there were no reports filed about looting or violence against the remaining Chinese. Chinese traders opened their shops as they did every day. The nonviolent takeover did not last for long, however. One week after assuming control, the new regime presided over a number of searches in residences throughout the city. The new masters discovered uniforms, weapons, ammunition, and 196 young Chinese men in civilian dress hiding in private houses. The men were arrested, handed over to the Russian authorities and deported the same day on trains towards Harbin. Thus did the Russians support the Mongols in their quest to cleanse the region of Chinese forces (RGIA, Shtab 7.1.1912 and 11.1.1912; ‘Mongoly v Khailare’ / ‘Mongols in Hailar’, Dumy Zabaikal’ia [Transbaikal Thoughts], 12.1.1912 (25.1.1912): 2). Negotiations were still ongoing between Chinese officials sent from Heilongjiang’s provincial capital, Qiqihar, and the rebels on the matter of Hulunbeir’s future status when several hundred Mongolian soldiers began marching westward, approaching the Russian-controlled railroad town of Manzhouli on the border. Since it was almost entirely inhabited by Russians and Chinese and was located inside the Russian-controlled belt of alienation (polosa otchuzhdeniia), 15 the Mongols cared little about who controlled it. Their prime concern was with the Chinese military detachment stationed at the nearby garrison of Lubinfu, about 2 km south of Manzhouli. Officially, only about 150 Chinese soldiers were stationed at Lubinfu, but in the wake of the rebellion the garrison had been fortified. Commander Zhang, its head, averred that he expected to engage in battle with the Mongols. Though confident he would win, he was also a realist, willing to withdraw his soldiers in case of defeat; he expected the rebellion to be brief and regular Chinese military to reach the region soon. 16 But these security measures proved ineffective, and Zhang’s assurance misguided. On 20 January (2 February) 1912, Mongols captured and looted the Chinese garrison. They dismantled the buildings, sold the plunder and set parts of the town on fire. According to Russian intelligence, Erwin Baron von Seckendorff, a German reserve officer in charge of the Chinese Customs House at Manzhouli, agitated among the Chinese in a successful bid to persuade them to resist the Mongols rather than surrender Lubinfu (RGIA, Shtab 19.1.1912; ‘Mongoly u st. Man’chzhuriia i v Khailare’ / ‘Mongols near Manzhouli Station and in Hailar’, Dumy Zabaikal’ia 29.1.1912 (11.2.1912): 2). American sources confirm that the German baron had directed the fire of Chinese troops against the Mongol attack. After their defeat, the Chinese soldiers and authority officials were made to march to the railroad station, and then transported to Qiqihar. The customs commissioner Baron von Seckendorff, in turn, remained in charge of the Customs House at Manzhouli (NARA, Maynard 8.2.1912: 69).
***********1912.11.05: "Dear Doctor Morrison,
When we arrived in Peking on August 9th, on my way from Urga to Shanghai, I called at your place and learned that you had already left for London...
Well the behaviour of the Amban was the cause of the Mongol rising against the government of China. The leaders were, The living Buddha, Ta-Lama, Nam-Serai-Gung, /now, Na-Wang/, Han-Ta-Wang, Da-Lay-Bess, Hay-Shun-Gung and several others, whose names I do not know. The noted robber and murderer Tock-Tan-Tai-Ching was also on the Living-God's side. He came into Urga soon after the Manchu Amban had left and behaved himself verywell. The mongols say that he did bad things against the Amban, just because the Amban was so hard on the mongols, they consider him as a patriote. Hay-Shun-Gung was the man who obliged this former robber-chief to keep straight. This robber has about 60 permanent followers. When the mongols sent troops over to Khobdo then some of Tock-Tan-Tai-Chin's men sent over with the soldiers, and were, I was told, more or less in charge of that expedition. Some of this robber chief's men weresent to the east, towards Tsi-tsi-khar. etc. He himself has been in Urga most of time. The Living God gave him a title signifying "not afraid of anybody". The men in the north Mongolia against this new rule, were Sain-Noying-Khan and Tsa-Tsek-Ta-Khan. Tsa-Tsek-Ta-Khan died about the first of June, many said he was poisoned by the God. About this time the mongols started collecting duty on all goods coming from China. The charge was five percent on Wine and Tobacco. No charge was made against our shipment, and no charge were made against imports by russians. As you know the russian troops helped the mongols to disarm the Hsuanhua-fu troops that were stationed in Urga. The russians also sent troops down from Kiakhta, these only stayed a couple of weeks and then returned. After-wards 100 cossacks came, which raised the garrison to about 300 in all. Mostly mounted troops. They also had a couple of mashine rifles and they gave instruction to mongols...
Yours sincerly T.A Rustad"
/1912.11.05. Хүндэт доктор Моррисон!
Өргөөгөөс Шанхай орох замдаа -нд 8.9-нд Бээжинд ирж таны ажил руу залгаад Лондон явчихсныг тань мэдлээ...Зартай дээрэмчин, алуурчин Тогтох ч бас Амьд Бурханы талд байгаа юм байна. Манж амбаны явсны дараахан тэр Өргөөд ирсэн бөгөөд намбатай байна гэнэ. Монголчуудад хатуу хандсан амбаныг эсэргүүцсэн түүнийг энд эх оронч гэж үзэж буй аж. Энэ дээрэмчныг удирдаад байгаа хүн бол Хайсан гүн. Дээрэмчинд 60 гаруй байнгын дагуул бий.
Монголчууд Ховд руу цэрэг илгээхэд Тогтохийнхноос цуг очсон бөгөөд тэд тодорхой хэмжээгээр ажиллагааг удирдсан гэлцэнэ. Тэр хүмүүсийнхээ заримыг зүүн тийш-Цицикар луу илгээгээд өөрөө гол төлөв Өргөөд байжээ.../
/The Correspondence of G. E. Morrison 1912-1920/
1914.5.04: Pekin, May 4.
At Kalgan (tO0 miles north-west of Pekin) last week Chinese troops ambushed and massacred 70 unarmed Inner Mongolians who had recently been serving with the Outer Mongolian forces.
This.outrage is calculated to hamper seriously President Yuan Shih Kai's efforts to settle the Mongolian question. The newspapers state that Inner Mongolia is perplexed at the present time between inducements of help by the Urga Government oathe one hand and by Yuan Shih Kai on the othr.
National Library of Australia
В 1916 г. японцы, прислав военных инструкторов, и вооружив кочевников новыми японскими винтовками, подтолкнули харачинов к войне против китайских властей, чтобы ослабить их влияние в Южной Маньчжурии. Здесь харачины потрепели ряд поражений и потеряли своего лидера Бабучжаба. Тогда Япония спонсировала нападения харачинов на Баргу (автономная область на границе русского Забайкалья, Маньчжурии и Монголии), входившую в зону влияния России. Русские помогли монголам-баргутам, мобилизовавшим до 1800 чел., винтовками Мосина и патронами, но это им не помогло. Поход на Баргу начался весной, когда отросла трава для коней.
Отношения харачинов с русскими стали ухудшаться. Cовместными действиями баргинских и российских войск монгольские повстанцы\харачины/ были изгнаны из Хайлара. Их история в течение короткого периода после этого связана с грабежами, локальными стычками с китайскими провинциальными войсками, переходом частью в провинциальные войска, частью к мирной жизни.
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