-другой пример, монголы которые считаются молодыми кочевниками, они переняли внешнюю модель тюркского жилища....
Киргизийн талыг хагалаад дууссан, одоо Монголын талыг уу?
" After being twice in Kazakhstan we couldn't find any nomads still living on nowdays' Kazakh territory. Except for a few fake yurts, it seems that the Nomad culture has totally dissapeared. Kazakhstan is so big, and some areas are so remote, that it still may be some families living a nomad or semi-nomad life..."/Daniele Giannotta and Elena Stefanin- www.cycloscope.net/
"...Before our company took possession of the mines, there were none within a hundred and fifty miles of our works. Six years later, the Government had made provision for the settlement of twenty-five or thirty thousand peasants in the best river bottoms, in the neighbourhood of the works. Villages were laid out and settled with Little Russians from the congested districts of southwest Russia, Poltava, Kharkov and Kief.
The Government carried them two thousand versts for five dollars per head; gave them the land, fifty dollars each in cash, timber for their houses, agricultural machinery and seed wheat. Our works were chosen as a centre point, for it was hoped that the peasants would always be able to find work there in case of need. Our mines were the outpost of what the West, in its childish glee, calls civilization. Beyond us, the nomad Kirghiz held undisputed sway. Already the intrusion of the Russian agriculturist into the region, which the Kirghiz considered their own, was causing the latter anxiety. Fortunately for them, they and their flocks and herds can live where agricultural man cannot. But it is hard for them to be expelled from their favourite pasture grounds by the new comers. It is the old conflict between the free range and the farm...
The building has a floor of dirt and walls of mud and has never been cleaned since it was built. The room is full of the acrid smoke of btuTiing dtmg. Only a few rays of dull light pass through the single pane of window glass. Unless you had done it yourself, you would be prepared to deny that you could possibly eat food prepared under such conditions. There is not a single rule or principle of ventilation, heat, cold, cleanliness, sunlight or nutrition, which is not broken sixty times in every hour of every day of the seven months in each year, by the Kirghiz. And yet the men are scrupulously clean about their persons, and if you are with them at night you will see them take off their sodden and worn outer coverings,
and taking off layer after layer, they will gradually emerge in a spotless silk undergarment of a voluminous pyjama variety, and their skin is as fresh as the silk itself. At all times their personal habits are delightful; they do not drink or smoke or chew or spit; they would rather starve than eat their food, filthy as it may be, without first washing their hands. It is impossible for them to enter a tent or a house without removing their outer boots, inside of which they wear another pair of boots to the knee, but made of their soft gaily coloured and embroidered leather. This same habit of removing the outer shoes also belongs to the Russians, who have learned many of their customs from the Oriental races, with whom they are in such close contact. Anyonewho has ever acquired this habit in the East is shocked when he returns to the West and sees again the spectacle of persons walking into a house, with all the dirt and refuse of the street clinging to their boots.
If the Kirghiz has learnt his delightful personal habits from the teachings of Mahommed, I can only regret that our western religions have overlooked these details..." "Russian and nomad : tales of the Kirghiz Steppes" by Fell, E. Nelson (Edward Nelson), 1857-
Яагаад Киргизийн их талд эсгий гэрүүд алга болов? Хүчээр хамтралжуулснаас болсон уу?! Монголтой адил Киргизстанд бас л хүчээр "нэгдэлжүүлсэн". Гэтэл тэнд малчид эсгий гэртэй нүүдэлсээр байна. Яагаад?
Тарианд ойр байж болохгүй гээд Монголд малчдыг хөөдөг. Та өнөөдөр Улаабаатараас Хархорин хүртэл явахдаа хөдөөний малчдын амьдралыг бараг үзэхгүй. Замын дагуух газрыг хагалаад дуусч байна.
Хятад руу ногоо илгээгээд монголчууд баяжна гэнэ.
Социализмын үед зүүн Европын нутагтай тэнцэх газрыг хагалаад орхисон нь 1990-ээд оны эхээр атаршаад үлдсэн. 1990-2000 онуудад Монголын газар тариалан эзэнгүй хаягдсан байсан. Монгол үлдсэн онгон газраа хагалчихбал, дэлхийд Монгол, Казахстан хоёрын нутгийг хамарсан Төв Азийн Их цөл ойлголт үүсэх нь.
Хятад руу ногоо илгээгээд монголчууд баяжна гэнэ.
Социализмын үед зүүн Европын нутагтай тэнцэх газрыг хагалаад орхисон нь 1990-ээд оны эхээр атаршаад үлдсэн. 1990-2000 онуудад Монголын газар тариалан эзэнгүй хаягдсан байсан. Монгол үлдсэн онгон газраа хагалчихбал, дэлхийд Монгол, Казахстан хоёрын нутгийг хамарсан Төв Азийн Их цөл ойлголт үүсэх нь.
Mонгол Улс 2020 оны байдлаар бараг 80 сая малтай, түүнээс тал нь ямаа болсноор бэлчээрийн даац хэтэрч, бэлчээрийн ургамлын 50% нь дахиж сэргэхээргүй устаж, нутгийн маань бараг 80% нь цөлжөөд байна.
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